Saturday, January 2, 2010


Gandhi’s birthday, or Gandhi Jayanti, is celebrated every year as the International Day of Non-Violence. The Mahatma, who was born on 2 October 1869, would have turned 140 this year.
Mr Obama said: "Gandhi's teachings and ideals, shared with Martin Luther King Jr. on his 1959 pilgrimage to India, transformed American society through our civil rights movement.

    "The America of today has its roots in the India of Mahatma Gandhi and the nonviolent social action movement for Indian independence which he led.
"We must renew our commitment to live his ideals and to celebrate the dignity of all human beings."
The praise comes a month after Mr Obama said that Gandhi would be his ideal dinner guest. Speaking to pupils at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia, he was asked what person, alive or dead, he would like to dine with.
He said: “I think it might be (Mahatma) Gandhi, who’s a real hero of mine.

It would probably be a really small meal because he didn’t eat a lot.”
The President has been given a book of Gandhi quotes to mark the anniversary. The author of Quotes of Gandhi, Shalu Bhalla, had a copy of the book delivered to Mr Obama after she heard about his comments at Wakefield.

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